Exit strategy checklist


The Exit Strategy Checklist is a tool when one or more co-leads decide to leave their role. It should be supplemented by space for learning, reflection, celebration and joy.

Download or make a copy of this worksheet and fill in your answers.


Exit strategy checklist

Yes / No / In Progress

  1. We have defined together what we need, individually and collectively in terms of deciding whether to leave

  2. We have considered the terms of our departure, especially in terms of any ‘sabbatical’, exit compensation, any ongoing role, access to email, etc. This should be considered in line with existing exit policies. 

  3. We have developed a communications plan to inform the various groups of people on who is leaving and when, as well as addressing immediate concerns of how the next leadership will be selected. 

  4. The board is aware of who is leaving and when 

  5. The staff are aware of who is leaving and when 

  6. The larger community is aware of who is leaving and when

  7. We have set up a leadership transition team or committee, made up of staff, board members and consultants, to support the process of selecting new leadership

  8. We have taken into account the strategic planning cycle and accommodated this as much as possible 

  9. If there is an expected capacity gap, we have revisited the RACI and agree what areas of work will continue and what will be paused 

  10. We have completed a short risk assessment about potential new or heightened risks from the transition 

  11. We have agreed a recruitment process for the new co-lead(s) that includes staff’s role at every stage

    (This does not necessarily mean staff are involved in the decision-making, but should be at least informed. It is up to each organization to determine staff’s role in the recruitment and the most important thing is that this is communicated clearly.)

  12. Both the outgoing and incoming co-leads have access to additional care and emotional support throughout the period of transition if needed

  13. The staff have access to additional care and emotional support throughout the period of transition, since the co-leads may not be the most appropriate people to offer this and/or cannot do on their own. 

  14. We have come up with ideas for how to capture and celebrate our co-leadership relationship and achievements  

  15. The Board has come up with ideas for how to capture and celebrate our co-leadership relationship and achievements

  16. The staff has come up with ideas for how to capture and celebrate our co-leadership relationship and achievements

  17. We have secured funding to document our experience as co-leads 


Based on the answers, are you ready to proceed or are there still areas that require attention? If so, can you make a plan and timeline to work through them?

Shreya Gupta

I'm an independent visual artist from India with over 9 years of experience. I am passionate about projects rooted in community development that push the boundaries of design thinking.


Supporting through the highs and the lows


Looking back